Sunday, 16 December 2012

Getting Down To It

Well the settling in is over and this past week I started to get down to work.  On Wednesday we had a planning meeting for McJoyful Christmas which starts on Christmas Eve (the western world’s Christmas Eve that is – our Christmas Eve is January 6th).  I’m really looking forward to seeing a lot of the kids there that I haven’t seen in a while from the various homes.  It also seems that a last minute purchase in Kyrgyzstan of a Kyrgyz robe is going to be part of my costume as an Old Testament character telling a story.  Now THAT’S going to be interesting in the middle of McDonald’s for two weeks, it’s not like I’ll be blending into the crowd - lol.

I also got to go to the kid’s rehab centre this week with Katya F. to say hello.  When I left for Kyrgyzstan in late September there were about 22 kids there.  Now, sadly, in that short time there are 54 and I only recognized 2 kids there from the summer.  If you remember, the kid’s rehab centre is a place for kids who have one or both parents with alcohol or drug problems which create a horrible home life.  The kids are placed here for a 9 month programme where they are given a loving environment, counselling and support to help them overcome their home situations.  I guess it’s kind of like a larger version of Ala-Teen in Canada.

I was also able to get to Boorie Ooglie disabled home yesterday.  A bunch of us piled into a car armed with Anya P.'s home made pastries, coffee and (of course) candy.  We had a great time visiting with the residents who really like to have company and treats.  I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

I also finally took stock of my battered finances this week and all I can say is that God is good!!  As I mentioned in my last blog my computer was repairable (cheap) – no replacement needed quite yet.  I’m praying that the machine isn’t on its last legs as it’s getting older.  At least it’s still functional for the moment.  I also found a good airline deal for my ticket to Canada in February.  I was originally looking at the prices of one way tickets and wasn’t sure I’d have enough money left over for, well, anything.  For some reason I started checking return tickets and found that the prices of those were literally half the price of just buying a one way.  (You would think I would have known that by now with all of the travelling I have done over the years.)  Needless to say that freed up some grocery money.  Now I just have to find resources to do some things here for Christmas and in the next few months and for when I come back to Ukraine in June. 

If anyone would like to help with any of this please click the donation link at the right side of the blog to donate on line or you can mail a donation to the (new) address below.  Please remember to specify that the donation is for me.  Also, when you donate please drop me a message to let me know.  Canadian donations are tax deductible and every dollar counts.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers.  Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time…Я люблю тебя!

LinK 127
34 Wynn Castle Dr.
Lower Sackville, NS
Canada  B4E 2H5

Craft time at the kid's rehab centre

Kids will be kids - lol

At Boorie Ooglie

Ira T. giving love and encouragement

I just don't get tired of handing out candies.  (Those who have known me for some years will know the significance behind this.)

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