Thursday, 28 July 2016

Headed for Canada

Well camp season finished for me last week with the village of Krasnovka and this week I've been tying up the loose ends and getting things ready to go back to Canada. This is a hard week for me as I'm finding it harder and harder to leave Ukraine with every trip. Three months has passed by way too quickly. I'm praying I can get back again soon and to find a way to stay more permanently.

Tonight (Thursday) I'm on the train headed for Kyiv to catch my flight early Saturday morning to Canada arriving in Halifax Saturday evening. Once my jet lag is over with I'd be happy to come to your church or your group and share my experiences of my work in Ukraine with you. Just drop me a line.

Please continue to keep me and Ukraine in your prayers. Thank you for seeing my heart. Till next time...я люблю вас!!

Most of our team from the camp at Pastor Oksana's church that I mentioned in my previous blog entry.

Krasnovka camp

It takes a few groceries to run a camp.

I'm not always behind the camera.

Dima Z. and I with some of the kids from the Rehab Centre.

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