Tuesday, 28 June 2016

From One Camp to the Next

Just a quick update of my goings on.  We finished the camp in камене поле (Stone Field) on Friday.  It was an awesome time with about 150 kids.  Living in a rural village in very rustic conditions has given me a greater perspective on how many people in villages live everyday. It's hard to comprehend that people still live without a lot of basics like indoor plumbing, especially this close to the city.

So it's been back to the city for a few days to rest and to get ready for the next camp.  Tonight we leave for camp in зеленое поле (Green Field) until Sunday night.  This camp will be for about 30 to 50 kids.

Please keep us in your prayers.  Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я люблю вас!!

We crammed 150 kids and about 25 workers into this little churchyard.

With temperatures into the 30's it was great to jump into the river at the end of the day.
Then we got caught in traffic on the way home...or you could say we were out until the cows came home.
VERY rustic living conditions this close to the city.
Our team

Heading back to the city very tired but very happy.

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