Saturday, 24 August 2013

Almost Time to Move Again

Things have been pretty quiet since the Mercy Trucks rolled out of Krivoy Rog.  Over the past couple of weeks many of us have been catching up with ourselves with some much needed rest.  As a thank you for helping out with the Mercy Trucks project we had a couple of days where some of the people who helped out were taken to the beach for some relaxation.  I have also been able to tag along with Lena T. to the kids Rehab Centre on her Saturday programme.  It's always so great to spend time with the kids there.

Other than that I have been starting to tie up loose ends here as in about a week I'll be on the move again as I'm going to Kyrgyzstan for 2 months.  I am a little sad to leave Ukraine but happy to get to Kyrgyzstan.  In a couple of weeks a team from my church in Canada will be arriving in Tokmok to help out with things there.  It is going to be awesome!

A couple of blog entries ago I mentioned that I would have to make some very hard decisions in the next few months about my life "on the road."  Well...basically it all boils down to resources.  Unless something big happens, when I come back to Ukraine in November I will not be able to sponsor any activities or needs as I will only have enough grocery money for a short time.  (I guess it's time to lose that extra 30  As it is, I will not be able to do much when I'm in Kyrgyzstan on this trip because of this.

What many people don't realize is that I don't get a salary from LinK 127.  LinK 127 just facilitates a way of refunding expenses to me by whatever amount is donated for me.  Any money that I use to help sponsor needs and activities comes from my own funds and now these funds are almost running out.  And because I'm a foreigner I am not able to get a job here.  When the funds are gone, I will have to give up everything, go back to Canada and get some kind of a job with the possibility of never being able to come back again.  Needless to say I am quite concerned about this as I really have no life in Canada to go back to anymore.  It would be very hard living there now with my heart over here any ways.

Even though I'm concerned I also have this peace knowing that I have been called to this work and I am not aware yet of any new calling to move on to something else with my life.  I am really believing for a miracle to be able to continue the work here.  As several people have reminded me when I was in Canada:  "God's will...God's bill."  So now it's the part where I have to wait and see what happens.  I don't really feel comfortable talking about this but as a missionary friend of mine who is in the same boat said recently:  ""if we don't say anything how would you know?  James 4:2 says " you do not have because you do not ask.""  So now you know, and I am asking.  Would you please consider helping me to continue to show love to orphans, seniors, the disabled and anyone else who really needs to see God's love in action? 

To help me to continue the work here you can click the link on the right side of the blog for LinK 127 to donate on line.  If you wish you can set up a monthly sponsorship there as well.  Please remember to specify that your gift is for me and what you may like me to use the gift for.  You can also mail a donation to the address below or send an e-transfer to  Canadian donations are tax deductible (but not those by e-transfer.)   Every dollar counts!

Please continue to pray for me.  Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time... Я люблю тебя!

Happy Independence Day Ukraine!!!

LinK 127
833 Canaan Mountain Road
Kentville, NS
Canada B4N 4K1

Some very hard working people

At the kids Rehab Centre

Sunday, 11 August 2013

At the Dentist

Last Sunday (August 4th) Mercy Trucks rolled into town. Mercy Trucks is a Christian ministry that is a mobile dentistry clinic providing basic dental care to those who would not otherwise be able to go to the dentist. Here in Ukraine many dentists and doctors will not treat people from the disabled homes or people with HIV so this was filling a huge need. Natalie arranged for them to set up shop at Boorie Ooglie where they provided dental care for the residents. The residents of Green Pastures (the women's version of Boorie Ooglie) and some children from the baby orphanage were brought in for care as well. For more information about Mercy Trucks you can visit We were extremely busy and all hands were on deck putting in 12 hour days. It is a very large operation where each day there would be about 25 volunteers, including 5 to 6 doctors, plus other volunteers providing lunch, running errands and whatever else was needed. Because of my lack of Russian I was not able to communicate with most of the doctors or patients so I was given the job of cleaning and sterilizing the tools.

I haven't heard the final numbers but I think we saw between 400 and 500 people from Monday to Saturday. The day that the children came they also got a visit from Doctor Clown. Doctor Clown is a programme of the Shelter Plus Centre where people dress up as clowns and go to entertain children in the hospitals around the city. My friend Igor is one of the clowns in the programme so he came to help out so that the children wouldn't be scared of the dentists. I think he was a hit with some of the Boorie Ooglie men as well.

This week I hope to catch up on some much needed sleep. Adding to the 12 hour days I had a flood in the kitchen one night. It seemed like I had to wake up half of Krivoy Rog in the middle of the night to get assistance with it - translator, plumber, land lady, building staff, etc. The upstairs neighbour must have left something running and it all came down into my kitchen. But thankfully it was clear water and the only damage was wall paper peeling off of the wall which can be re-glued once the wall is completely dry. One advantage of having brick walls everywhere is that water won't ruin it like it ruins gyp-rock. So needless to say after this past week I badly need to catch up with myself.

I can hardly believe that I'll be in Kyrgyzstan in 3 weeks. The time is fast approaching for me to be on the move again. I'll talk more in another blog entry of my hopes and plans for when I am there.

Again, If you would like to help me to provide some activities, to fill needs, or to help with my own support please consider sending a gift. I am not able to do what I do without your help which is greatly appreciated. On the right side of the blog is a "donate now" button where you can make an on line donation through LinK 127. You can also click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of the page for more giving options. Please remember to specify that your donation is for me and advise what you would like me to use your gift for. Every dollar counts towards showing love to those who really need to see God's love in action.

I really appreciate your continued prayers and support. Thank you for seeing my heart. Till next time… Я люблю тебя!

It was the biggest show in town.  People would line up to watch what was going on.

On his back says Doctor Clown

Busy as it was there was always time for a tickle break

Again watching what was going on

Just a few of the volunteers