Sunday 12 May 2024

What is Making Me Go Hmmmm?

Over the last couple of months I've noticed a very sudden interest with an unusually HUGE amount of views of my blog from Hong Kong and China.  I'm hoping that this is just an interest of what I've done in my missions so far.  But given what we see in the news about China helping the moskal horde in its genocidal war against Ukraine (although they say they aren't - such liars) and the news of Chinese hacking and spying I can't help but wonder if someone is looking for something to use in a scam or for some other nefarious purpose.  If you are looking at my blog with a genuine interest in my missions thank you for your interest and I hope I've inspired you.  If you are someone who is up to nefarious things remember that what goes around comes around.  Я тебе люблю. Слава і перемога Україні.