Sunday 26 July 2015

Stay Tuned For an Update...

In May I put out a request for help with sending a group of orphans in Kyrgyzstan and a group in Ukraine on a summer outing.  Just to update you the outings will take place later this summer.  In Kyrgyzstan the kids at the Orlovka Orphanage will be going for a day trip to the beach and in Ukraine the kids at the Rehab Centre will be going to a movie and McDonald's.

It's a big deal to those kids to show that someone out there cares about them and to get out of the orphanage for a while to just be kids.  Thank you so much to those who gave to help make this possible.  Stay tuned for an update later this summer with photos.

If you would still like to help me out with the costs you can send a gift by clicking the donation button at the right side of the blog to give on line, or you can click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of the page for other giving options.  Every dollar is a help and is greatly appreciated by so many.

Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я дюблю вас!!

This group at Orlovka Orphanage will enjoy a day at one of the world's finest beaches at Lake Issyk'ul.

This group at the Rehab Centre in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine will enjoy a movie and Happy Meals.  Going to McDonald's is a HUGE deal in Ukraine.