Tuesday 22 December 2015

Merry Christmas

Here we are at the end of 2015 and another Christmas season is upon us.  I just want to take a minute and thank those of you who have supported me this past year. 

Because of your generosity this year some kids in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine have amazing memories that will last a lifetime.  Thank you sooo much.  Thank you also to those who helped me out as well.  It was a financially difficult year for me.  To those of you who stepped in to help whether it was to help with an unexpected dental bill, gave me food, money or other things, or stepped aside to let me work your hours so I could pay my rent last summer, you are awesome and I pray God will bless you.  Despite my difficulties I know I am blessed and that God is not through yet.

Coming into 2016 I still pray that I can resume my work in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in person.  It's hard to believe that I've been in Canada almost 2 years now.  My homesickness still feels fresh.  If you would like to help me to get back to work you can click the donation button at the right side of the blog to donate on line, or you can click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of this page for other options.  Will you help me to bless those who need to see God's love in action?

Have a very merry Christmas and may God bless you greatly in 2016.  Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я люблю вас!

These kids in Ukraine had a great day going to a movie and to McDonald's.

These kids in Kyrgyzstan had a great day at the beach and got to go on a boat ride.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Kyrgyzstan Beach Day

This past Monday (August 24th) the kids at Orlovka Orphanage in Kyrgystan were treated to a special day at the beach.  For kids in an orphanage going anywhere outside of the orphanage for an outing is a big deal. The beach is located at Lake Issyk'ul which is the world's 2nd largest saltwater lake.  The beaches there are some of the finest in the world.

The kids had a great time.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.  Thank you to my friend Sergey and everyone else who helped to make this day happen.  Again, thank you to those who gave to make this and the Ukraine outing possible.  It has created memories for life for these children who have so little opportunities.

If you would like to help me to sponsor future projects and outings for those who have so little and to make some more memories, please click the donation button at the right side of the blog to donate on line.  For other giving options please click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of this page.  Every dollar counts and as you see in the photos it is appreciated by many.

Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я люблю вас!!

A day at the beach is a big deal by itself.  Going on a boat trip is an added big deal for these kids.

On the right is Daniel standing by his sister Katrina.  They have had a rough go at life. Those of you who have one of my bookmarks will see the photo of him on my shoulders.  He is also the one in the story about me on the roof for those who heard it.  Sergey has been working at Orlovka Orphanage for years and here's what he said:  "I often visit this orphanage, and many times I try do everything to see Daniel's smile and I can't. But just in the Issyk-Kul, only the first time I saw his beautiful smile."  
For those of you who gave...you made this happen.  Bless you!!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Ukraine Movie & McDonald's Outing

This past Monday (August 3rd) the kids at the Rehab Centre in Krivoy Rog went on an outing to a movie and to McDonald's.  As I've mentioned before kids in orphanages don't have parents to take them anywhere and getting out of the centre for a few hours is a huge treat.  In Ukraine going to McDonald's is a huge deal by itself and people will dress up to go there.  We in Canada take for granted going to a place like McDonald's 2 or 3 times a week but the kids in the orphanages might get a chance to go 2 or 3 times per year.

The kids (and the volunteers) had an amazing time.  I will let the photos speak for themselves.  Thank you so much to those who gave and thank you so much to my Loads of Love friends for making it all happen.

The beach outing planned for the kids in Kyrgyzstan is going to happen later this month.  Stayed tuned for an update.  If you would like, there is still time to help me out with the expenses.  You can click the donation button at the right side of the blog to donate on line, or you can click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of the page for other giving options.  Every dollar is a help and so many appreciate your giving.

Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я люблю вас!

They saw the new Minions movie.

As a special surprise there was also ice cream.  Ice cream by itself is a huge treat for orphanage kids.

And what's a party without balloons?

Sunday 26 July 2015

Stay Tuned For an Update...

In May I put out a request for help with sending a group of orphans in Kyrgyzstan and a group in Ukraine on a summer outing.  Just to update you the outings will take place later this summer.  In Kyrgyzstan the kids at the Orlovka Orphanage will be going for a day trip to the beach and in Ukraine the kids at the Rehab Centre will be going to a movie and McDonald's.

It's a big deal to those kids to show that someone out there cares about them and to get out of the orphanage for a while to just be kids.  Thank you so much to those who gave to help make this possible.  Stay tuned for an update later this summer with photos.

If you would still like to help me out with the costs you can send a gift by clicking the donation button at the right side of the blog to give on line, or you can click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of the page for other giving options.  Every dollar is a help and is greatly appreciated by so many.

Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я дюблю вас!!

This group at Orlovka Orphanage will enjoy a day at one of the world's finest beaches at Lake Issyk'ul.

This group at the Rehab Centre in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine will enjoy a movie and Happy Meals.  Going to McDonald's is a HUGE deal in Ukraine.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Summer is Coming

As the snow has FINALLY melted in Atlantic Canada and the spring flowers are just coming out it's hard to believe that summer is just around the corner. I'm sure people are already planning their vacation trips and outings for their kids for when school is finished for the summer. My thoughts are with the kids in the orphanages in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan who don't get a lot of chances for an outing like we take for granted here.

I would like to be able to sponsor an outing for the kids at one of the orphanages in Ukraine. Getting out of the orphanage for a few hours to have some fun is priceless to these kids. In order for me to do this I need your help. It costs approximately $500 to provide a day of fun for these kids, perhaps a trip to the beach or a movie and a burger. For another $500 I can sponsor an outing for an orphanage in Kyrgyzstan to show some love that will make lifetime memories for those who have so little.

Would you like to help me to make memories for these kids? Every little bit helps. If you would like to help out please click the donation button at the right side of the blog to give on line. You can also click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of this page for other giving options. Please specify that the donation is for me (Blair) for an outing. This would mean sooo much to the kids.

Please keep me and Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers, that I can find a way to get back to work and that the russian aggression will end in Ukraine. Till next time...я люблю вас!!

We often take for granted going to McDonald's once or twice a week.  These kids might get there once or twice a year.

These memories will last a lifetime

Sunday 22 March 2015

If You're In The Area...

Every year Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax hosts the Jesus to the Nations Missions conference.  This year it will be held next weekend (March 27th to 29th) and promises to be an amazing weekend.  If you're in the Halifax area it would be great if you dropped by.  For more information about the conference you can visit the Jesus to the Nations web site at http://jesustothenations.com

If you come on Saturday March 28th I will be in the display area and would love to see you and to share about my work in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.  I'll be either wandering around the displays or at the Go Missions table.  Please stop by and say hello.

Saturday 21 February 2015

It Seems So Long Ago But It's Still Fresh

Yesterday was a bit emotional for me but I wanted to share a few thoughts.

As I watched the memorial service from Kyiv of the 1st anniversary of the 1st victims of the revolution, who are now known as the Heavenly Hundred, I couldn't help but to think back, the brooding person that I am.  It was one year ago on January 30th that I stopped by Independence Square in Kyiv to see what was going on with the Maidan protests before boarding a flight back to Canada.  You can read more what I wrote at that time and see photos here http://blairs-page.blogspot.ca/2014/02/the-revolution-in-kyiv.html  I vividly remember the sights, the smells and how surreal it felt to be there.

Little did I or anyone else know at the time how bad it would get just a few weeks later.  As it was, I was on Hrushevskova Street just a few metres from the spot where only one week prior the very 1st deaths occurred.  When standing on the barricade I was speaking to a man and I'll never forget how his face lit up when he found out I was from Canada and how he thanked me for being there.  I now wonder that when I was there if I may have rubbed shoulders with anyone who is now gone.  Please forgive me if I sound morbid.

After I got back to Canada I remember the horrible feeling watching the live feeds when everything did get worse between February 18th and 20th.  I found out that 2 of my friends were on the square when it was all happening and I felt so helpless watching it all knowing they were there.  My friends are okay but they, like all Ukrainians and myself, are forever changed.  I won't go into a description of the events that continue in Ukraine.  I'll leave that to the media.

People say to me that I'm better off here.  All I know is that I want to get back to Ukraine to pick up in my work there.  Ukraine as well as Kyrgyzstan has become my home and that's where my heart is.  The russian terrorism has not come to Krivoy Rog and if anything there is even more work to do because refugees have come to live there as well as children orphaned by the war.  They have lost everything and need to rebuild their lives from scratch.  Most escaped with just what they could carry and they need a lot of support.  I pray that I can get back soon.

Please keep Ukraine in your prayers.  Please also keep me in your prayers that doors will open up.

Thank you for seeing my heart.  Till next time...я люблю вас!!

I took this photo standing very near where things got bad between February 18th and 20th

I'm standing on the barricade at Hrushevskova Street.  I still had the smell from the burning tires on my clothes when I got back to Halifax 2 days later.

Sunday 11 January 2015

An Update From Me

It's been a few months since I posted a blog entry so I thought I'd give a quick update on myself for those of you who've been asking.  Since returning to Canada almost a year ago I've managed to keep busy with various activities including the blanket project for Kyrgyzstan and getting the kids from the Rehab Centre in Ukraine on an outing to a movie and McDonald's.  You can see more in my previous blog entries about these.

In July I had surgery to remove all of the metal from my elbow and ankle and it went really well.  I will no longer be setting off all of the metal detectors at the airports.  I am no longer able to straighten my arm completely but I can function normally.  I just have to remember that I can't reach as far as I used to when I go to grab something.  However, the physiotherapist thinks it might come back with time.

Even though I've had a lot of down time this past year I was still able to serve in various ways.  I was able to help at several World Vision events to get some children sponsored around the world.  I also helped out at several banquets with a friend at Full Gospel Church.  I have been working part time in one job which pays the rent and a bus pass each month as well as being a casual at another job.

This past year I have also gone through several difficult situations which I won't get into here but I survived them.  Even though things aren't where I'd like them to be right now I'm believing for things to get back on track and getting back to Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan this year.  I really miss being "home" and doing my serving there.

In order to return to life on the road I need to find funding including monthly sponsors.  Once that happens I can just zip up my suitcase and go.  If you would like to help me to get back to showing a father's love to those who need to see it just click the "ways to donate" tab at the top of this page for several giving options.  Every dollar counts and will mean a lot to so many people.  Will you please consider helping out?

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as well.  Thank you for seeing my heart...я люблю вас!!