Thursday, 3 June 2010

My Journey Is Still Going to Happen

This past Sunday I returned home from a trip to Kabwe, Zambia. It was an amazing trip with much that was accomplished as well as a lot of laughs (and a few tears) with some great people on the trip and with the people we met. Even though a piece of my heart is in Kabwe my life is still in Tokmok.

I couldn’t help but notice the parallels between Kyrgyzstan and Zambia. There are dire needs in both countries which have extreme poverty, children without parents who need more role models and seniors who struggle to survive. Some people here seem to think that conditions in one country are worse than the other. There are a few (very basic) differences but they are both the same overall. All I can think about is “When can I get things lined up to leave my job and get out of here?” I have felt like a foreigner in Canada for the last three years.

Now that my loans are paid off there is much to do to get ready. I have to raise funds, get visas and so many other logistics. This summer I will be going to get my TESL certificate and this fall I will be taking a course that will help me prepare for my journey. All of this while working full time. My schedule is going to be gruelling and I’ll probably be cranky (okay…more cranky than usual). I ask you my friends and family to stand behind me as this next phase in my life gets going. My journey is still going to happen…believe it!! Thanks for your ear.